Thursday, October 8, 2009


The clock on the bedside table read 5:29 a.m. I'm an early riser, but not that early. Lying there, I heard His voice in my spirit. "Strength and dignity are her clothing." I knew that the familiar words were from Proverbs 31, I wasn't quite sure which verse. And I wasn't sure of the point He was trying to make.

Dignified...not a word I would use to describe myself. I can only keep up the dignified facade for so long, before the quirky, silly sense of humor me comes bursting out from behind the mask. Strong, maybe, but dignified?

Later that day I looked the verse up, Proverbs 31:17. I looked it up in several different translations of the Bible. I read commentaries in hopes of gaining insight into what He wanted me to hear, to understand. Finally, I grabbed the old, red Webster's Dictionary from the shelf above my desk. There I read that synonyms for dignity are worthy, honored, esteemed, nobility. Suddenly, it clicked. I turned in my journal back to the pages that held sermon notes from Husband's Sunday message. There I found it, "satan comes to strip, to steal, the dignity and created nobility of humanity...". The Voice speaks again, "and in Christ you are once again clothed in the dignity, in the strength, that the enemy has robbed from you." I picture in my mind, the God of the Universe covering me in a beautiful royal robe, a robe of dignity, a robe of strength, not because of who I am, or what I have done, but just because I am His.


  1. Beautiful Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing and popping by my blog. I so appreciate our new friendship! Stay in touch.


  2. Check out all of the wonderful music coming out of International House of Prayer in Kansas City. That's where most of it comes from. I am loving your blog too Traci!


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