
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

His love letters...

holy experience

In the entryway of my house there is what appears to be a typical coat closet. But, like the famous wardrobe in the Narnia books, go past the coats and you will enter a whole other world! The closet leads to the space under the stairs, and I use that space to hold my "memories". There I keep the blue trunk that went with me off to college. In it now are the scrapbooks from high school, my wedding dress, tiny dresses and shoes that my three daughters, now beautiful grown women, wore when they were home being rocked in my arms. Among the memories stored there are the letters and cards...the words of love written to me by my husband. Some from the year we dated, most from the 33 years since we wed. I am a person who loves words, whose "love language" is primarily words of affirmation. I love to hear words of love...but if those words are written, ink on paper for me to read over and over, that is joy overflowing!

I think that's why I love the written Word of God so much. Like a cherished love letter from God, I go over and over it's beautiful words to me. So familiar it has become, that I can picture in my mind where a favorite passage lies on the page. With red colored pencil I underline my favorite parts, not just the words of love and affirmation, but even those of correction and instruction, for I realize that even those passages speak love to me. Often I copy the words that He says down in my journal. Promises and prayers from the His Word get printed out and I pray them outloud back to Him, having confidence that in doing so, I am praying His perfect will.

Like David of old I say, "Your Words, Oh God, have been my delight and my counselors... Your Words have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage... Your Word has healed me and delivered me from my destruction... I would have perished in my affliction without Your Word." Thank You God, for Your love letters to me.

A repost from the archives as I am still caring for baby granddaughter today!


  1. I also love the written word. The voice carried through ink. How grateful I am to have The Written Word - how often it comforts. Thanks for sharing.


  2. God's love letters to us - beautiful. I'll carry the thought with me today as I open his words in study and feel his love.

  3. Oh Elizabeth! This is beautiful. I came over via Ann's Holy Experience today. So glad I made the trip.

    I do the same -- copy His Love-Letter words into a journal, and then pray them back to Him.

    Thank you for sharing your heart ...

  4. I also have done the same for many years
    now--copy the Lord's love letter words
    into my journals and pray them back to
    Him. I know by the feeling in my spirit
    he loves this time together.
    Loved your words today, very sweet.

  5. Nothing like being filled with up with HIS love through HIS Word.

  6. Beautiful words of love from you to us, Elizabeth. I accept them and love you back.

  7. I came for a visit a while back - at Ann's prompting. This is my first time to comment, because I just couldn't resist.
    This is so lovely and makes my heart hurt just a bit. I have known Jesus since I was a little girl, but for far too long I didn't cherish the word as I should have. It would sit gathering dust from sunday to sunday.
    These days it just calls to me. I am not as faithful as I want to be (too often letting the busyness of life take my time), but I have come to treasure it. Learning to hide it in my heart as I go for a walk.
    It is a delight to meet you - a fellow grandma!

  8. He loved us so much He wrote it down - so we could read it over and over again. Thank you for the reminder. I love to sing His Word back to Him and pray His words from my heart to His!


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