"There come's a time when you come to the end of your human capacity to love", the voice on the radio said. I was a very young wife, with a beautiful brown-eyed baby girl sitting there in her high chair in our small yellow kitchen. Husband went to college in the morning and worked a full-time job late into the night. This was my companionship- Holy Spirit, baby girl, the voice on the radio. Those words have been etched on my mind and heart since that day so long ago-that day 31 plus years ago. The voice continued, "that's when you must ask the Holy Spirit to give you His love. (Romans 5:5) It takes God's love in you to even love God back...and especially to love others."
During our 33 years of marriage, our over 30 years in ministry, those words have been a treasure hidden in my heart. All human love runs out...when Husband said or did something that hurt my overly sensitive feelings, when little girls filled the house with noise and mess, when people and their problems seemed impossibly overwhelming...and yet again, when I asked Him, let Him, Holy Spirit love poured in, and I the simple conduit, when I let Him, felt the "divine flow" that wasn't from self. Him loving Hubby, girls, difficult and hurting people, through me.
What joy, when I'm yielded, tender, willing, to be a conduit of His love. What a privilege for this voice to speak His words of love to a wounded heart, for these arms to be used by Him to hold one who is mourning as they sob out tears onto my Sunday dress, to love Husband and girls when I, at the end of my "human" love, did not feel loving. That the Holy Spirit puts God's love in my heart, not only for me, but through me to love Him back, to love others as He does...what a wonder that is. Thank You Holy Spirit.
61. New believers in Christ, hungry to learn of Him and His ways
62. My brothers and sisters
63. My 84 year old mom
64. Fall colors
65. Cold nights
66. Warm quilts made by grandmas
67. Tears of repentance
68. Our daily bread-God's provision
69. A big red-tailed hawk sitting on a fence post
70. A visit with friends
Oh, your dear Mama and new believers and a hawk -- you make my heart sing with PRAISE!
ReplyDeleteWhat a joy to give thanks with you, sister...
All`s grace,