We gathered around the Thanksgivng table, my husband, me, our girls, our sons-in law, our grandbabies, my 84 year old mama, a young married couple from the church. There was enough food to feed twice as many people...an abundance. We are abundantly, overwhelmingly, undeservedly, lavishly, blessed by God. A few hours later, youngest baby grandaughter can be heard squealing and making happy sounds as she watches her cousins play. I look up, and my daughter is weeping happy tears of gratitude and happiness, as she hears her baby girl so long waited for, prayed for, now here. Today, as I think about miraculous answers to prayer, like my precious grandaughter, along with unexpected blessings given from God's hand, just because...I am grateful and I could shed a few happy tears as well.
Thank you God for...
141)Hugs from a daughter in the Lord
142) Grandson saying "The Bible says" and then "quoting" his own five year old mixed up version of verses, usually several Bible truths all clumped together
143) Oldest grandaughter making dinner rolls with me, and us both having a "sample", and then her saying, "Nana, I just wish I could eat the whole batch by myself!"
144) Making pies with my daughters and grandbabies
Two little pies made by 6 year old grandaughter and 5 year old grandson
145) Youngest daughter home in time for Thanksgiving dinner in spite of a flight delay
Youngest daughter and her best friend
146) Nine month old baby grandaughter trying to say "I love you" and giving slobbery kisses
Happy mama with her precious gift from God
147) Sunday afternoon naps
148) Decorating the house for Christmas with Handel's Messiah playing in the background
149) Dancing with the grandkids to Christmas music
150) Macy's holiday parade downtown with family and friends
Came here via the Titus 2 women blog and when I heard Misty's voice singing I knew I had found a friend! You have a wonderful blog that I can feel the Holy Spirit ALL OVER IT :)
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