Everywhere I look, everything I hear, people are writing about, talking about, the desire for Christmas to be simpler, more peaceful. For believers in Christ, I believe this is because the same Holy Spirit is speaking to us all, drawing us, calling us, to forsake the fluff, and focus on the substance. Jesus is coming again, not as a babe this time, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The kingdoms of this world really will become the kingdoms of our God, and of His Christ, and He really will reign forever and ever. And we, His bride, must be ready. We are being drawn back to the simplicity of this fact...we were created to love God and to be in relationship with Him. We are being drawn back to His heart. This Christmas season, my desire is to get to know better and better, more and more, the man Christ Jesus. Through true heart worship, through reading and studying the Word with real desire to understand as well as to hear and obey, through gut level, transparent communication with Him in prayer, through writing and journaling. The decorating, the baking, the shopping...it's got to take a back seat to this glorious pursuit. I want my heart to be burning bright with passion for Him when He comes again. I want to already know Him so well, that at His appearing, I can honestly say, "Oh Jesus, You are exactly who I already knew You to be!" If, at the end of this Christmas season, I am closer to that goal, now that will be a Christmas to remember.
Amen Elizabeth Amen! This says it all ~ I could have written this myself and I couldn't agree anymore with every word
ReplyDeleteThankyou ♥
Very good thoughts. I, too, want to spend the time getting to know him better and better. He is so worth it!
ReplyDelete"Jesus is coming again, not as a babe this time, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
ReplyDeleteAnd here you have described our deep hope. Beautiful.
(Visiting from Holy Experience.)
Yes, Amen! :) Thank you!!
"Forsake the fluff, and focus on the substance." Preach it girlfriend!! :) Love this. And you are so right about the Holy Spirit speaking in our midst. The themes of slowing, quieting, focusing on the Holy...they ring like bells on Christmas morning. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas!
Yes! The message of simplicity resonates ... because God has set it in our hearts.
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister.