Our guest speaker at church yesterday shared these quotes by John Maxwell. I felt it more than appropriate to pass them on as together we train our minds and hearts towards gratitude.
"One of satan's slyest agent is the agent of familiarity. Take nothing from your victim, cause him only to take everything for granted. His goal is nothing less than to take what is most priceless to us and make it appear as most common... He won't steal your salvation, he will just make you forget what it is like to be lost. You will grow accustomed to prayer, and thereby not pray. Worship will become common place...He will infiltrate your heart with boredom and cover the cross with dust so that you will be safely out of reach of change. Nor will he steal your home from you. He will do something far worse. He will paint it with a coat of drabness...He will scatter the dust of yesterday over the wedding pictures until they become a memory of another couple in another time. He won't take your children, he will just make you too busy to notice them. He will use the poison of the ordinary to deaden your senses to the magic of the moment."
And so God, we will not be ignorant of satan's devices, but we will choose to notice Your blessings and give You thanks...
And so God, we will not be ignorant of satan's devices, but we will choose to notice Your blessings and give You thanks...
210) Thank you God for safe travels to and from Kansas City for us and the team from church
211) Thank You God that baby grandaughter was such a trooper traveling
212) ThankYou that all of our daughters got to be together last week and experience together what You are doing at the International House of Prayer
213) Thank You for beautiful violin music being played in worship
214) Thank You, Thank You for the blood of Jesus
215) Thank You for hot chicken and rice soup in sub zero Kansas City
216) Thank you God for a phone call from a wandering spiritual daughter
217) Thank you for our flight home only being delayed, not cancelled
218) Thank You Father God for Your pure love
219) Thank You for a lesson about being still in Your presence and learning to recieve your love
220) Thank you for my sister coming and staying with my mama while we were out of town, so I could relax and not worry
I've been reading through some of your posts this morning. I came via Monica's blog Homespun Heart.
ReplyDeleteThese quotes were so timely for me. I feel like they were for me. I've been reading and studying through the Gospels this month and each time I come to the account of Jesus saying that the Pharisee's honored him with their lips but their hearts were far from him, I cry out. Lord, I don't want to be that person. I want my heart so very close to yours. I want there to be no distance between us.
I think about these Pharisees. They said all the right things, did the right things, knew the Word and were even teachers and yet they were far from Him. There was no intimacy.
I think, what you shared here, is key and I just wanted to say thank you.
God bless you,