My six year old granddaughter's love language is definitely quality time. She would choose to play a game with us or to go and do something with us over a present or toy anytime. My five year old grandson's love language is very obvious as well. His is physical touch. He loves to be cuddled, hugged and kissed. One day when his behavior was, shall I say, less than ideal, his mama sent him up to his room and told him to go lay down. A few minutes later, she heard him holloring this question, with a slight bit of accusation towards her thrown in, "Mom, don't you know that when I get like this what I really need is just for you to come and snuggle with me?"
It's been a challenging few weeks. Changes and decisions and hurting people and life made me, made us, (hubby and I), feel a little worse for wear. Somewhere, deep in my spirit yet unexpressed with my flesh, an accusing voice was raised to God, "Don't you know God, that when things get like this what I really need from You is just for You to come and snuggle me? Don't You know, Papa God, that I need held and reassured and comforted and refreshed?" Yesterday in church, though no one else may have seen, no one else may have known, (not physically of course, but to my heart and my spirit), God reached down right there to my seat on the front row and gave me a great big kiss and hug and told me everything's going to be all right.
and other love gifts from Him this week...281-293
...a Sunday nap and watching a movie with hubby
...sunny weather and blue skies and trees in bloom
...five year old grandson's company and help grocery shopping
...having my sister and brother visiting at mama's this week...enjoying dinner made by them one night...taking mama for lunch at Ya Hala for fabulous middle eastern food another day
...hubby's very encouraging lunch with a dear mentor
...a G.P.S. in the car that saved me from my directional dysfunction twice this week...And the fact that God is an ever present, faithful, life G.P.S. if we will keep our ears and hearts tuned to Him. He promises we will hear Him say, "This is the way, walk in it..." Isaiah 30:21
...so many beautiful birds on my walk...they were singing so loudly! That evening the frogs were croaking...sounds of spring.
...the view from my bed through the open bedroom door and out the window in the stairwell...hills, and trees, and sky
...a quick glance out of the passenger window in the car as we drive on a busy four lane street near the mall, and there on a wee patch of lawn, stand four, huge, beautiful Canadian geese
...six water baptisms on Sunday morning!
...God's overwhelming goodness and presence as we worshipped Him and heard His word together
...my husband's birthday...a fun date day celebrating with just the two of us, then a surprise for him with our church family