I'm joining Ann at Holy Experience by sharing how I am preparing for Easter.
I have been ready for spring since Valentine's Day was over, and so the decorations of spring and Easter came out shortly after. There in the middle of it all the reason for our hope... CHRIST HAS RISEN!
When our girls were growing up, on Easter morning we would greet each other with the greeting used by Christians centuries ago, "CHRIST IS RISEN!" and the response, "CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED!"
And indeed HE HAS RISEN, but just as the cross was not the end of the story, neither is the resurrection. "This same Jesus, Who was caught away and lifted up...into heaven, will return the same way." (Acts 1:11) As I was ready, eager and anticipating the coming of spring, I want my heart to be prepared, to be ready, eager and anticipating to see the One I love, the One who loved me first. I will see Him, God in the flesh, because He lives, He's coming back, and He shall reign forever and ever.
The candles are lovely, as are the eggs and jars. I need those kinds of reminders to help me stay focused on the season of life and love and resurrection. Thanks for sharing today. He is risen!