Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cultivating a Life God desires…

It’s His first and most important request.
“Love me with all your heart and soul and mind and strength…”
The vulnerability of His great heart in asking this of me smites me with pain.  For I know that He is asking this of one whose heart is contrary and fickle and self-focused and easily distracted. This God who is Transcendent above all others and above all creation just asks me to love Him wholeheartedly.  I can’t escape it.  Everywhere I look, everything I read, it is there, the request of His heart for mine.  “Love Me, Elizabeth, love Me with your whole heart.  Give me preeminence.  Make Me first, make Me transcendent in you.  I am jealous for your love.”
I want to say, “ I do love You, God.  You are first.  You are everything.”  But I know that the truth is, I too often brush off His advances.  He woos and whispers for me to come away, to seek His face, and I say, “Just a minute.”  When I do heed His voice, too often I rush through our time together to get to the next thing on my list of things to get done for the day.
This God, “with arms wide open and heart exposed” with love for me, waits and asks and woos and calls, but He doesn’t make me love Him, He doesn’t force my response. I choose to come to Him with wayward heart and I confess that all I have to offer is my small, weak, love and I ask Him to breathe on my paltry offering and ignite it so that it becomes fiery, all consuming, wholehearted, passionate love like His.  My weak love overcomes His great heart and His breath blows on my small flame and I am overcome and consumed by His grace and love.  My heart, that too often wanders here and there and everywhere, finds rest, finds peace, finds home in Him.
still following,


  1. What an awesome post. Believing we can all be more focused on Him and not on what we want or need to do.
    Also wanted to say I love all the candles you post, where do you get them?
    Love, Angel

  2. You have written this well. His asking this of us does smite us with pain because we know we can’t do what he asks. You’ve inspired me to NOT skip my quiet time with him today with, “Just a minute.” Thanks for blessing me.

  3. What a powerful post. Some people just have a gift with words; you are one of those. Thank you for blessing me with this blog.

  4. Oh yes, ... that consuming flame of God, who is the very fire. Your words ignite. Thank you.

  5. As well, you've inspired me to not skip my devotions today. Thank you for your so real and powerful words. Sandi from South Carolina


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