
Thursday, April 29, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday favs…I’m lovin’ Windows Live Writer!

I read about Live Writer on Domestically Speaking
I downloaded it…and I’m lovin’ it!
You write your blog on Live Writer. 
This enables you to  change fonts and to change the font sizes and colors.
You can add pictures…
size them, frame them and
watermark them….
here’s another photo option instead of framing.
When you are done just set your publish date and time on the calendar in the bottom right hand corner, click publish, and it “flies” over to your blog!  You can also retrieve your post back to make changes.  The only thing I would change is that it doesn’t autosave.  Once my computer shut down mid-blog and I lost the whole post.  I now save as I go.
Happy Friday everyone!  Let me know if you decide to try Live Writer and tell me what you think!
It’s my one year blog anniversary giveaway.
Click on this post to enter to win a brand new apron like this!


  1. I love Windows Live Writer - it's the best thing since chocolate! Gorgeous photos, as always.

  2. I love Live Writer, but I haven't figured out how to resize my pictures. Right now they are tiny. I didn't realize that about not saving; thanks for the tip!

  3. I used to use WLW on my lap top on with my first blog (for our business)....once we closed up and I started my personal blog, I never used it again....thanks for the reminder!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It!! Have a GREAT weekend!

  4. I did not know this existed! Have always been envious of bloggers who have cool fonts! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I love it as well and did a post about it this week too. It is so much better than blogger's editor.

  6. I'm gonna try this...hope I don't mess up...

  7. Thanks for the great tip...I've been wanting to find a new way to post.

    Also, so glad you've decided to follow the new blog, we would love to have you as a post contributor if you are interested? Just contact Alaina through her email or leave a comment on 'chit chat' saying you want to sign up!

  8. Thanks for the blogging tips, I will have to check that out. I am so excited, I bought some glass candle holders yesterday, haven't found the letters yet but I will and I can't wait to do them. You have such cute ideas!! Love and Blessings, Angel

  9. Just found your blog today and am enjoying reading your past posts! I am trying Live Writer and I have a question for you. I am having problems w/ the pictures posting. I noticed that you are also a blogspot blogger and thought maybe you could tell me if you had any problems with that? I read the help on it, but am not sure what an "ftp server" is. Any chance you can help me? Thanks!


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