
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Every good gift…

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Every means “without exception”. 
No matter how big…
No matter how small…
We just need to notice.
And give thanks to the Giver.
Gratitude gifts # 378-388
-a wonderful missions emphasis Sunday at church
-Sunday lunch with friends and family
-a true day of rest including a Sunday nap
-dessert night at my nephew’s house
-baby granddaughter standing and taking first steps
-grandson caring and concerned about his big sister who took a nasty fall and had to go to E.R.
 Thank God, no serious injuries, she was only bruised and sore.
-new blog friends
-my big brother calling to see how we are and to say he loves me
-fresh NW salmon from a friend
-our church’s Friday night Youth Encounter
-grandkid’s homeschool co-op program

Gratefully yours,
Remember to enter my one year blog anniversary giveaway.


  1. Such wonderful photos and scripture to live by. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Sounds like you did except for the one being injured. Hope she is o.k. Have a super week!


  2. Thank you for sharing this verse today. I shared it on my blog a few days ago - a reminder of the source of blessings from the Father's hand!

  3. Love this post. The secret to living in joy is to open our eyes, isn't it?
    It is an honor to be in your sidebar! :)

  4. Beautiful pictures. I love the Lilies as that is our daughters name!
    Amy @

  5. Love the pictures, sounds like you had a packed and fun weekend!! Believing it will be a great week too. Love and Blessings, Angel


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