
Monday, May 10, 2010

The fairest blossom…

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul."

~Henry Ward Beecher (1813 – 1887)
A prominent, Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, abolitionist, and speaker.


Gratitude list # 390-404

-wonderful trip to Seattle with my daughters and granddaughters

-sisters giggling together

-family jokes and quirks

-baby granddaughter “flirting” with all the wait staff at the restaurant…soon the kitchen staff was coming out to see the cute baby!


-half price appetizers

-crepes from a downtown crepe booth for breakfast

-auntie fixing oldest granddaughters hair and playing “makeup” with her


-coming back home to hubby

-returning to Kansas City, youngest daughter was worried her luggage was overweight.  We prayed, and the person in front of her in line at the airport had a problem, so they rushed her through without weighing her bags!

-new dishwasher

-sunny weekend

-homemade strawberry crepes for hubby’s day off breakfast

-a good doctor’s report for a troubling symptom

-a great Mother’s Day with my mama and family

-Mother’s Day cards, facebook comments
and blog posts from my girls

Gratefully yours,


  1. "The fairest blossom"

    Wow, poetry in three words, that was just beautiful.

    I love how God provides for us, rejoicing with your daughter over her suitcase. He spared me running out of gas while driving through Kansas this week. Literally in the middle of nowhere with two kids and a dying cell phone battery. Glory be to GOD!!!

  2. You are so blessed!
    My favorite on your list: "sisters giggling together".
    How I love to hear my daughters laughing together, it just warms my heart.
    (Now I am craving some crepes).
    Blessings to you as you make your home!

  3. We are so blessed, aren't we? Loved reading your gratitude list and thinking I need to start one - not that I'm having trouble being grateful but because it would be good to have it written to reflect and remember. The flowers are gorgeous but not as beautiful as your girls!

  4. what wonderful pictures! love them. I'm so glad you had a blessed Mother's day :)

    amy in peru

  5. I like the way you prioritized your post, beginning with scripture.



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