
Thursday, May 6, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday favs…I’m lovin’ good old Dave Ramsey style window shoppin’!

No, not shopping for windows.  You know, window shopping, when you look but don’t buy.  It actually does feel better than buying impulsively and regretting it later…
it really does!

Blame good old Dave Ramsey for this one.  We’ve taken the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class, and we are trying to stick with the plan.  That means, save up an emergency fund, and only use it for emergencies.  Make a budget and stick to it.  The goal is to get out of debt!  We use the envelope system.  Instead of randomly using the debit card, we use cash and keep that week’s cash separated into envelopes labeled for groceries, gas, entertainment, clothes, etc.  So, when hubby gave me my early Mother’s Day gift of a trip to Seattle with my daughters and granddaughters I had my cash envelope for eating out and a little bit of spending money.  That means most of the shopping was window shopping, but it was still great fun!
Thought you might like to join me…

Pike Place Market…
One of my favorite kitchen stores, Sur La Table…
Youngest daughter loves this apron!
And I notice many bloggers love this store…
Cutie pie oldest granddaughter finds a place to relax.
All that shopping and this is what I came home with…
three five dollar frameable prints from Pike Place Market
and one necklace from H&M…for a grand total of $22!
YaY! Lots of fun, zero guilt, zero credit card bills!
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I'm ready to board the train and head north! A dear friend just asked me if I'd like to do that and spend a couple of days in Seattle doing 'girl' stuff - like shopping! Have to be sure I have spending money in my envelope!

  2. I just wanted to encourage you on your journey to Financial Peace. We started our Total Money Makeover 3 years ago and what a blessing it has been. We had over 60K in non-mortgage debt and today we are just waiting on one student loan to be forgiven by service (my hubby is a teacher serving in a low-income school) and we will be debt free plus we already have our 6 month emergency fund. I am so glad I was stuck in traffic and saw the Dave Ramsey billboard 3+ years ago. He has been an answer to prayers.

  3. Looks like a FABULOUS place to shop (even window shop!!)Looks like a fun day!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up to I'm Lovin'It! Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. We do the Dave Ramsey thing too. Just down to paying off our house. Sure would love to window shop at all those places. We don't really have anything like that around here!! Have a fabulous Mother's Day!!

  5. Love the window-shopping! We did the Crown Financial program and have been amazed at God's faithfulness as we are obedient!

  6. Dave Ramsey took our finances and our relationship to new heights! Thank you for taking us window shopping with you, enjoyed every guilt free second!


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