
Thursday, May 20, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday favs…I’m lovin’ my blog makeover!

I’m lovin’ that the peonies are blooming!
I think they are just about my favorite flower!
I hope if you’ve been on my blog before, you noticed my blog makeover.
I’m lovin’ it!
When I found my free swirly blue background on leelou’s blogs I fell in love with it.
Then I began to play around with html codes and figured out by trial and error how to change my column widths, add and remove borders and things like that.
I figured out how to do a picture header.
I found I liked not only writing my blog, but “tweeking” my blog look.
However, there were some things I just couldn’t figure out.
How do I add a horizontal menu tab bar?
I googled, I tried, I failed.
How do I make and add a cute blog button?
What about cute framed sidebar photos?
Sidebar titles?
Categorize my posts?
I decided there were some things I just needed help with.
But I was scared, because by now, I was personally invested in my blog.
I wanted it to reflect me and my tastes and what my blog was about.
And along came Traci…
She was one of my first blog followers.
You can find her here…
or here
She listened to everything I wanted.
She tweeked and retweeked things until everything was just the way I wanted.
So to celebrate my new blog makeover I’m giving a lucky follower the chance to have Traci make a personalized blog button for your blog!
If you are already a follower of my blog, just comment on this post for a chance to win.
If you aren’t a follower, I’d love to have you follow, and then add a comment!
I will announce the winner next Friday, May 28th. 
I hope YOU win!
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Love your new look! What fun to make changes. I've tried to make some changes that I couldn't figure out so I gave up. Others were important enough to me to research and try to do - some with success and others with none! It's fun to make our blogs reflect who we are and what we want it to reflect. Great job!!!

  2. I love your blog makeover. She did a great job.

  3. Love your blog look! :D And your peonies are beautiful!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    your new blog makeover looks great! and how exciting to have your home repainted and a makeover in your home surroundings as well. I started a blog and still trying to figure things out abt blogging, much in trial and error also....that is so like our life as God's children...we do learn in the process.
    love reading your blog daily,

  5. I love your blog makeover and your button. The flowers are beautiful!! Have a blessed weekend!!

  6. They are my favorite flower too! I really do love your layout here, very easy to navigate.

  7. Oh Peonies are my favorite too!! I LOVE them!! and your new look is beautiful!!
    Thanks for linking up! Have a GREAT weekend!

  8. Would love to win this. I just started a blog and how fun would this be to have a custom button for my little blog page!!! Great, unique giveaway, thanks.


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