
Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm a guest writer today!

Happy Saturday Everyone!
I am excited to be a guest writer over At the Well today!
I hope you will click over there and join me!

Join me over At the Well!


  1. Beautifully said.

    (Not that I'm not guilty of changing out the doorknobs in we've owned in the past 14 years, but I know that stylish door hardware doesn't put me any closer to the Lord.)

  2. Great choice for your 'guest postings'. It has occured to me what a blessing blogging is. I don't do it, but I read some. But as an 'almost 70', I see the healing, sense of community, source of love, and outlet for the many God-given gifts He has put within each of His women (and those who haven't realized yet, He is the "papa" they've been looking for, all their lives.) So we aren't the "Daniel generation", (Dan. 1:4, 17, 20) we must be the "Danielle generation". What an honor, what a calling, what a savior. "Lord, make my tongue the pen of a ready writer". Isaiah 40:28-31 for the week to come. l0l


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