
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Inspired by Mama…

If you read my blog post yesterday, you read about my stinky dilemma. 
This morning we finally received the insurance estimate.
They are covering the cleaning and/or repainting of all the structural interior of the house.
They are covering the cleaning of every. single. piece. of. personal. property. inside. the. house.
Every item of clothing.
Every book.
Every knick knack.
They are even covering the replacement of my favorite little All-Clad saucepan that I accidently left simmering on the stove.
filled with hard boiled eggs.
for four hours.
So my house is going to have the most intensive spring cleaning EVER!

In the meanwhile, my 84 year old mama is serious about moving into an assisted living home.
We have an appointment together to go check out a lovely place and have lunch there on Monday.

Talk about bittersweet, yesterday when I was at my mama’s, she sent me home with this…
Mama knows this is my favorite thing in her house.
It’s a needlepoint of what looks just like a little Maine coastal village.
My mama is from Maine.

It is inspiring me to follow my heart ,and since we will be having to repaint anyway, I am going to go with beachy whites and soft grays.
Bye, bye, taupe and burgundy bedroom.
Bye, bye, yellow living room.
When the cleaning and repainting in my house is all done,
I will find a special place to hang this,
maybe decked out in a new frame.
Thank you, Mama.

Still following,


  1. Love your framed's just beautiful...and with it being your mama's it just makes it that much more special...sorry about your boiled egg incident...keep looking up! God bless you~Robyn

  2. So glad the insurance company is covering all that. How wonderful to get so spring cleaned. I will be praying for you and your mama and that appointment. Love the needlepoint, I know you will do something wonderful with it. Love and blessings

  3. So happy everything is covered; what a blessing!
    We went through moving my mom a few years ago, not under circumstances we would have chosen, but now she is loving her new home. Praying for all of you in that transition.

  4. Praise the Lord for covering everything and making all things new :)
    I can imagine this is a hard time for your family as you make these decisions for your momma. I can say having a few relatives who made this decision they are all doing AWESOME and actually are better off because of the constant company and activities! It truly has been a blessing and I will believe the same for your momma! Praying you have discernment and the Lord will lead you to the exact place in which HE wishes for your momma to be!

    Bless you my friend! I am excited to see what beautiful things you create with your opportunity! You always do such beautiful work!

  5. Glad to hear that the insurance company is redoing things and cleaning up for you. Hope you will share pictures of the 'new' rooms. Will be praying for you and your family and your mama as you find God's place for her. This is a good thing and will take such a load off your shoulders. Someone will be there to help watch over her and care for her and she will have all kinds of things to do. I love my chaplain work in the local assisted living home here in town - the people are precious and loved.

  6. That is precious...and it will be a great reminder of your momma.

  7. Oh sweet friend, I am so sorry you went through this. BUT, thankful for God's faithfulness!! And what a precious treasure your mother has given you!! XXOO

  8. Dear precious Elizabeth, How our Lord loves to answer our prayers! He sends us hugs in many forms, reminders that God of this gigantic universe is also a hugging Father, who meets every need, stores every tear, calms every fear, reveals His secrets to His kids, because He delights in us. Your most recent 'hug' came as a picture, framed from your Mama. We hug you too today. l0l Susan

  9. I'm praying about your lunch visit at the assisted living with your mom. May the Lord make it clear to you both if it is a good place or not.

    The thing I have loved best about my mom's assisted living facility is how much the care givers sincerely seem to care about the residents. I can put up with a lot of other things not so good if I can have them loving on my mother all day.


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