
Monday, May 31, 2010

Let’s make a memory…

It’s a wee bit stressful around here.  Our stuff is packed up in boxes and will be moved out into a POD tomorrow.  First the upstairs will be painted and recarpeted, then the downstairs will be painted and get new wood flooring.  I am not good at living in mess and chaos.  I have to keep reminding myself how wonderful the house will look when it’s done.  (Then we will more than likely be putting it on the market and relocating closer to the church!  This is almost like a practice move!)

But its moving Mama that’s on my mind.  We are moving her to a beautiful assisted living facility.  However, there’s piles of paperwork to do, red tape to work through, and much to do to get her little condo ready to sell.

This weekend my two sisters came to town to help with some of the stuff for Mama.  We wore Mama out, so while she napped, my sisters said, “Let’s go make a memory.”  And so we did…


We rode this elevator…



We saw a man who grows vertical gardens on walls and buildings…




We went to the National Cemetery to visit our dad’s graveside…


And drove over this on our way back home…


A few weeks from now my house will be all put together and look clean and fresh and beautiful.  Mama will, hopefully, be happily settled in her new place.

The stress and mess will be forgotten, but there will be some memories we have made that won’t be…

memories for my sisters and me to take out, unwrap, and enjoy over and over again. 


Still following,


linking to Tuesday Unwrapped at chatting at the sky


  1. wow. There's so much to this post! The vertical gardens are amazing!

  2. I am thinking of YOU!! Thank you for reminding me to make a memory!! <3

  3. Loved this. I blogged at my personal blog just today (yesterday now) about remembered moments. They are all we have, when all is said and done.

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Oh, those vertical gardens are so neat. How in the world does he do that. Hope things get settled for you soon.

  5. What beautiful memories you made. Praying your remodeling goes quickly and smoothly.

  6. So lovely! What a wonderful, intentional kind of day. We have so much huge stuff on our plates this summer that I want to purposely set out to make memories!

  7. Such a lovely gift-- this gentle daughter care returning, reflecting the love your mother gave you all the years before. I have watched my mother with great admiration do the same for her mother and pray that I will be her reflection when she needs it.

  8. So glad that you are closer to getting the house fixed. Praying for all to go smothly for Grandma, she will love her new home. Love you all!

  9. SO happy your Mama has chosen this nice place Elizabeth. She is going to have oh so many new friends (to add to the old) once she is settled. If I was at your house today I'd give you the biggest hug ever. Wrapped up in that hug would be all the love the Lord wants you to feel today. You'd hug Him back, and all little frustrations, fatigues, gentle tears, old and new emotions, and love stuff in your heart would just be 'cast over' onto Him, who just loves it when we do that. LOL Susan

  10. what a lovely post, and what an incredible playlist. so glad to have happened upon your blog today.

  11. Oh, you were so close to my house! But I wasn't home! Your photos of Oregon City and the Elevator brought back such memories. The orange and gold building on the far right of the second photo is where I worked for over a year until the offices moved to a new County building up on the hill. I often stood at those very windows upstairs and talked to God when the stress of the political world in which I worked became too much to bear. And lunchtimes were often spent going up the Elevator and walking along the bluff - seeing things like the gardens and the river below and just talking with God. So glad you spent time away there and were refreshed. Praying for your dear mama and for you during this time of change and transition. It's not easy but Jesus is holding your hand every step of the way.


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