
Thursday, May 13, 2010

One of my favorite book mentors…

There were many times in my life when I longed to have someone come into my life and mentor me. The times that I actually had someone come alongside me like that can be counted on one hand.  I believe that those beautiful older ladies who took time for me when I was young wife and mama will be richly rewarded by God.  Most of the time, however, my husband and I were pastors in a church and though I was one of the youngest women in the church, I was supposed to be wise beyond my years and teach and mentor ladies older than me.  At times like that you learn to lean heavy on God.  You pray more.  You imprint His Word on your mind and heart.

Thank God, that during those years when I didn’t have a flesh and blood godly woman to come alongside me and teach me, He gave me “book mentors”.


Edith Schaeffer, wife of famous theologian, Francis Schaeffer came into my life through her books when I was in college.  She mentored me through her books. Her book The Hidden Art of Homemaking is a classic.  She says that as children of God, who is the First Artist, we are also born with the desire to create.  This whole book is filled with encouragement for our “inner artist”.  Let me quote, “For the Christian who is consciously in communication with the Creator, surely his home should reflect something of the artistry, the beauty and order of the One whom he is representing, and in whose image he has been made.”  In this book, and all of her many books about their life and ministry, she talks about making bookshelves out of packing crates, a stool from a barrel, a centerpiece from things found in the fields and forests around their home, etc.  She was, to me, the first thrifty decorator and budget cook, back before the internet, (yes, I am that old!), and hundreds of blogs on those subjects.  She was my book mentor, my inspiration, to love, obey, and believe God more, to be a better wife and mama, and she inspired me to try to make the place we called home, no matter how humble, a place of beauty.



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  1. I haven't heard of that book, but will definitely be looking for it. You do a fabulous job of making things beautiful. I am still looking for the letters, I have several projects I want to try when I find them. You are an inspiration!! Love and Blessings

  2. I'd love to read that book! Your home inspires me!

  3. Love those book mentors!

    What a heavy load you have carried.

  4. This has been so lovely, visiting you today. Thanks for sharing these books, your story and your beautiful candle images.

    Best wishes,

  5. I have also received great inspiration and encouragement from these books--the lifestyle and commitment of the Schaeffer family was amazing.
    I just found your blog a couple of days ago--enjoying your thoughts and photos.


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