
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

People of Hope…

“…my flesh also will dwell in hope (will encamp, pitch its tent, and dwell in hope in anticipation of the resurrection.)
(Acts 2:26 Amplified Bible)

We, the Easter people, the people who know, love and serve a living Savior live in a land called Hope.  While our flesh and blood walks this earth, the worst we can imagine here, is still not the end.  We have hope eternal, we serve Hope Eternal, and we live in the land of hope eternal.

One of my favorite Bible verses is found in Hosea 2:15 (Amplified Bible)  “…I will make the valley of Achor (troubling) to be for her a door of hope and expectation.  And she shall sing there…”  This valley was the place of one of Israel’s biggest failures.  It was the place of their defeat at Ai due to sin in the midst of the people.  There, in the place of failure due to their own disobedience, God opens a door of hope and expectation.  There, she responds to this God of Great Grace, with song.

To the Easter people, the end is not the end.  Not the end created by circumstances beyond our control, not the end due to our own wrong choices.  The resurrected Christ is our Door of Hope to life eternal, and our Door of Hope that we will see and experience His goodness here in the land of the living.
(Psalm 27:13 Amp.)

We, the Easter people abound, overflow, bubble over with Hope.
(Romans 15:13 Amp.)
In hope,

Tomorrow I announce the winner for my one year blog anniversary giveaway.  You still have time to enter.


  1. Elizabeth, I enjoyed this post very much! It blessed my day! May God bless YOU!! ~Robyn

  2. How precious that this very hope has been on my heart this week also. I just finished reading The Last Battle with my daughter; I love the picture of the hope of Heaven.

  3. Oh, how I long to bubble over with hope! I don't do it often enough, even though in Christ I have every reason to. Thanks for sharing this today; I needed it.

  4. Where would we be without hope? I can't begin to imagine life without the hope Christ gives us. Love the thought of my soul 'pitching its tent' in hope! Need to meditate on that one. Thank you for sharing this word that lifts the soul!


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