Thank You, God that You are God
You cannot lie
There is no darkness, deception, dishonesty in You
When You say that You will bring something to pass
It will surely happen
It is impossible for Your Word to fail
Forgive me for doubting
Grumbling and murmuring
You said that all things work together for good in my life
And You mean what you say
You are constantly using even negative situations and circumstances in my life
To set me up for success
To propel me forward in Your purposes
To make me more like You
You have not forgotten me
You cannot
For my name is engraved on the palms of Your great hands
And You have set me as a seal upon Your great heart
How it must hurt Your heart for me to ever doubt Your kind intentions towards me
My love is so weak, so fickle
Like a drop compared to the ocean of Your great love
And yet still You love me
Always, forever
Thank You, thank You, thank You.

My continuing gratitude list #418-428
-being lazy on Sunday afternoon
-vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries
-the way baby granddaughter laughs so hard at her cousin(my grandson)
-the way my oldest granddaughter and only grandson think my mama’s Meals on Wheels are the greatest thing ever
and how Mama always shares with them if they are at her house at lunch time
-a meeting cancelled plus a break in the weather equals a beautiful walk
-a good talk with my daughter
-good news from the insurance company regarding coverage for the smoke damage in our house
-the grandkids excited to spot a big beautiful blue jay in our yard
-hot soup on a cold, rainy day
-a wonderful Pentecost Sunday at our church
Gratefully yours,
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Sweet list! Hope your week is blessed!
ReplyDeleteAmen! There is so much to be thankful for. We are blessed people! Love your gratitude list. Hoping your week is off to a good start.
That was beautiful. I have to remind my family and myself often, that "all things work together for good to him that loves God". That is so simple and can get you through anything. ALl you have to be concerned with, is loving God, and he takes care of the rest. What freedom! When you see your babies love God and pray to Him, you know that all things will work together for good for them, and that is peace.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful prayer!! Love your thankful list. The strawberries made me want some though!! Love and Blessings
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful; His love never fails.