
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beachy bedroom…

We are making progress on our total house repainting and reflooring project…precipitated by a smokey, thank God I didn’t burn the whole house down, accident.  We still have much to finish, most of our belongings are still in boxes, and we certainly haven’t started hanging pictures but here’s a sneak peek at the master bedroom.

Before:  I don’t have a good before, before picture.  But this gives you a basic idea…burgundy accent wall, taupe on the other walls.  Unfortunately, the elliptical is a permanent bedroom fixture at our house.  I do actually use it a lot, and there’s no room for it elsewhere.


  Now:  (Pardon the ever present elliptical!)  I love the beachy gray walls, love, love, love the white beadboard, and love the fresh new carpet too!  I can’t wait until everything is done and all the new bedding, curtains, lamps and such are in place!



I’ll post pics again when we’re all done!

Still following,



  1. Enjoyed a first visit. Love what you are doing with the room!

    Come see me.

  2. Love it soo far :) LOOOOKING GOOD!!!

  3. This is going to be so pretty! Love the beadboard; I'd have it everywhere if that wasn't overkill. ;-0

  4. Looking good so far, can't wait for the finished product.

  5. Looks fantastic! Love the beadboard, the color and the new carpet. Can't wait to see the finished room.


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