
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grace, grace and more grace…

To stay married 34 years takes a whole lotta grace.
To stay married 34 years when you are both highly opinionated and at times very stubborn, (not ME of course!),  takes a whole, whole lotta grace.
To stay married 34 years when you are both highly opinionated, and at times very stubborn,
and you both come into the marriage with hidden brokenness, and you both come with baggage, takes a whole, whole, whole, lotta grace.
It’s a good, good thing that God is in the grace business.
It’s a good, good, good thing that He gives new mercy, new grace with each new day.
Like Ann says…”All’s grace.”
That Ann, she knows what she’s talkin’ about.
Thirty fours years, come and gone in the blink of an eye, and he’s still the one…because of grace.

Still following,

Each Wednesday in June I am joining Ann and many others and blogging about marriage.


  1. Congrats on 34 years, WOW!! God's grace is definitely a wonderful thing!! What a cutie in that picture!!

    Love and Blessings

  2. What a precious testimony! It's all about GRACE, for sure!

  3. Yes, it is Grace. Pure and simple Grace! Congratulations for thirty-four years of God's Grace in your lives. We're four years ahead of you and it's totally Grace!!!

  4. yes, grace. how i need it. thank you for this! bless you. e.

  5. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! That is awesome and such a testimony to the Grace of God!

    Love your marriage posts! They bless me so!

  6. Didn't mean to mislead you all...our anniversary isn't til September. I was just thinking about the years as I sat to blog. So, if he puts up with me the rest of the summer we will "officially" celebrate 34!!!!LOL!

  7. 34. it's something to be proud of, to exclaim from the rooftops... :) thank you for your example. because it is not easy, but it is worth it!

    amy in peru


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