
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday’s favs…I’m lovin’ my Craigslist wood floors!

A total house repainting and reflooring project on a budget is going on at our place.  Yesterday on my blog I shared a sneak peek at our bedroom makeover. 
Today, here’s a sneak peek at our Craigslist wood floors.  I LOVE real wood floors.  I’m not such a big fan of laminate.  I also love the rustic beachy/cottage look, so when my handyman son in law came across wide plank wood flooring on Craigslist for $1.00 a square foot, we decided to go for it!  A crew of wonderful guys from our church helped put it in.  I gotta tell you, I’m lovin’ it!


You can see in the photos that we used the same beachy gray in the main living area of our house as we did in our bedroom.  You can also see that we are still in process.  The furniture’s not arranged yet, many of our belongings are still in boxes, the curtains aren’t up, and  I am weeding through my decor and accessories.  I want to only use things in my home that I absolutely love and that are meaningful to us.  I will keep you all posted on our progress!

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. How beautiful that floor is! Progress is being made everyday! Love it :)

  2. WOW!!! They look great! I am your newest follower. I saw your link on Tidy Mom. Nice to meet you.

  3. the progress that is being made QUICKLY on your project is a BLESSING. love the floors--GREAT bargain! you will enjoy it so much when everything is settled back down. that gray color is very nice! enjoy the "new" smell!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!!Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  5. Yay for $1 a foot! Beautiful.
    We are having a garage sale, and your motto is mine: only what I love or need!

  6. Your floor is gorgeous! And it looks like things are beginning to come together, even though I'm sure it doesn't feel that way to you. It won't be long and you'll be so happy with your 'new' home. We want to put wood flooring in our home but it will probably be a bit before that happens. In the meantime I'll just look at your photos and enjoy yours!

  7. I LOVE your floors! What a great find!! They look gorgeous in your home. Visiting you from Remodelholic, and going to follow you now just based on the name of your blog. :)

  8. Floors are so gorgeous Elizabeth!
    I too have wood floors, but would like new floors in our living room :)

    I love your blog....
    Have a pleasant evening friend..

    Deborah \0/

  9. What brand/color is that grey?


  10. I've had wood floors for about 25 years - they are the best - can't beat it for dog hair!


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