
Friday, June 18, 2010


In honor of Father’s Day, I want to blog beautifully about the miracle of God’s grace in my relationship with my daddy…

Or how God became my father in such a real way after Daddy left us…

Or about my husband, and what a good daddy and papa he is…

but for four weeks now…

four weeks of packing up my house for repainting and reflooring…

and then in the midst of that chaos…

packing up my Mama’s house to move her to assisted living…

then trying to get her settled…

while in the meanwhile, things at my house are still unsettled…

for four weeks there’s been no margins…

no clean, empty, space…

to meditate…




be still…


So, those beautiful thoughts will have to wait and percolate for another time…

For now I say, Happy Father’s Day to…

My Father in Heaven

My Daddy now in heaven with Him

My wonderful hubby.


Still following,



  1. No margins at my house either! I completely understand where you are coming from and I think my thoughts on the men in my life will have to percolate a while longer too!

  2. Actually Elizabeth, I think the best thing about blogging is hearing from you! Now I know what we had so in common. A father who left, who is now (by God's Great Grace) is now in heaven. PTL!

    See you tomorrow. "Lord, fill up our (tiny at the moment) margins with Your Glorious Loving Presence, we pray".

  3. A beautiful post from your heart! That's what I love. Celebrating the love of the Father above is the most wonderful thing - and celebrating our earthly fathers, especially those who are with our Heavenly Father, is special. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  4. I agree with Adrienee! posts from the heart are the best. Thanks for sharing. God bless, Deb


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