
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My sunshine…

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine


You make me happy when skies are gray


You’ll never know just how much I love you


Please don’t take my sunshine away


The first time I laid eyes on her I sang her this song.

I inexplicably fell head over heels in love with her, though not flesh of our flesh.

How could I have ever guessed the wild roller coaster ride that lay before us?

Months, years, of praying and tears, joys and fears, until her adoption was final.

She is my oldest granddaughter.

She is my sunshine.

Her smile lights up my world with joy.



Still following,


linking to Tuesday Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky


  1. So very sweet! Pictures and feelings.

  2. Aww...She is just PRECIOUS!! XXOO, Damaris

  3. What a beautiful - and precious - gift from the hand of the Father!

  4. What an awesome post, you brought tears to my eyes!! She is definitely a gift to be cherished!! I love the Sunshine song, I sang it to my daughter when she was little, actually, she is almost 26 and sometimes I still sing it to her!!

    I announce my Why I Count it all JOY meme on my blog today, hope you can come by and join in on the JOY!!

    Love and blessings

  5. What a precious child! As the mother of an adopted daughter, I can happily say it doesn't matter if they came from your womb, they're yours the minute you touch them... bound together by unseen threads of humanity and love... so much love.


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