
Friday, June 11, 2010

Needing some rest…

I am so tired I could cry. 

The past two weeks have been insane.

The next two weeks don’t look much better.

Instead of boring you with my whining, I thought I’d share a couple of my most recent favorite photos.



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Hope your weekend, and mine, includes some rest!


Still following,



  1. Love the pics! I totally understand the tiredness and, like you, the next 2 weeks will be just as crazy if not more.
    Let's both rest in Matthew 11:28:
    "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."

  2. Praying that you get some rest! Have a great weekend! :)

  3. I can so understand! It's hard when everyday looks packed! Praying for rest and peace at your house.

  4. I am sending you ((EXTRA HUGS)) today!! These pictures are AMAZING!! XXOO

  5. Love your photos! Yes, you need rest, my friend. Peace in the midst of the storm. As I read your blog today I thought of Jesus' words: 'Peace, be still'. He told us he would carry our burdens and give us rest. That's what I'm claiming for you today. And a weekend that lifts your spirits and speaks rest to your soul (and body)!

  6. Praying you have a Supernatural Peace wash over you and find Rest in HIM!!

    Have you anointed your house lately ~ the doors, the corners of each doorway inviting the Holy Spirit's peace and calm!

  7. Praying for you (too) as I give in and make myself take a nap! Unbelievable past to weeks, but praising God for the sunshine, (and His SONSHINE, always)............

    May the JOY OF THE LORD strengthen His Family this day....and forever


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