
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer thanks…

holy experience

After almost record breaking rainfall in May and the first week and a half of June, we now have SUN!
I’m grateful for the summer sun, and the pleasures of this season that it brings.





My continuing gratitude list-#451-459

-yummy homemade tacos at my daughter’s house

-a wonderful walk with my Little Buddy

-the new carpet is in!

-our wonderful comfy bed is back in our room!

-finding the perfect chair for Mama’s new room at assisted living

-the meetings to finalize Mama’s move went great

-Baby granddaughter is saying so many new words!

-SUN!  YaY!

-help from my sisters with Mama’s move

-light at the end of the tunnel with getting our house back together, and getting Mama all ready to move


Gratefully yours,



  1. Sun, swings, and sanity returning to your home...truly a gratitude list! So glad your weekend was sweet.

  2. Isn't it amazing how the sun made a lot of things easier to handle? So glad some things are coming together for you. My weekend was good - led worship, time with my dear mother and a restful Sunday evening. So sweet after a week of hectic pace.

  3. So glad you had a break from the rain and got some sunshine! Great pics! Enjoy your day. :)

  4. mmmmmm Tacos! Love me some Mexican! Cute pictures of the kiddos! They are growing fast (which I'm sure you already know all too well).

    Take care Elizabeth!

  5. So glad your house is about finished!! Love the pictures!


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