
Thursday, June 3, 2010

A triple play…

God is so good.  Sometimes the kindest thing He can do for us to to correct us and get us back on the right track.  Sometimes, He repeats Himself, once, twice, three times…just in case we’re hard of hearing.

It was Tuesday night and time to go to bed on our temporary mattress on the living room floor.  I finally found my clean pajamas and decided to take a bubble bath before bed.  As I laid back in the hot water, God spoke to me about how spoiled I was acting.  He took what was bad, (accidently leaving the house with a pan of boiled eggs on the stove for four hours until the whole house was smoke filled), and turned it for our good.  Thanks to our homeowners policy, we are repainting and reflooring the whole interior, which we have wanted/needed to do anyway.  But, I was grumpy about living in messy chaos in the meanwhile.  In that hot bubble bath, I realized, with God’s help, my foolishness.  I realized that the fact that I still have a bathtub that I can fill with hot water is a huge blessing that most of the people on this planet don’t have.

Yesterday,  my sister and I spent the day in meetings regarding moving my mom into assisted living.  It was an exhausting emotional day.  Heading home that evening, I turned on the car, and the radio news was on.  The announcer talked about how many people are still living under tarps in Haiti.  Under tarps…  A temporary, inconvenient mess gets me off kilter, while they live under tarps.  God forgive me.

I drove home, and the cloud formations were stunning.  Suddenly the words of a song we sing at our church bubbled up in my spirit…

“…and all of a sudden
I am unaware of these afflictions
eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great Your affections are for me.
Oh how You love us so
Oh how You love us
How You love us so…”

In the midst of all this chaos, God in His great love and kind intentions toward us, has been working for our good.  He’s working for my Mama’s good, too.  Once, twice, three times He reminded me of how really blessed I am.

Still following,


  1. I love this! I had the same kind of reminder sent my way last night. I will have to send you an email about it.

  2. What a great, great reminder to know that God loves us so, so much and how truly He has blessed us.

    Thank you for writing this post; I needed to hear those words. :)

    Love and blessings in Christ,
    Rachel M.

  3. I love this post. He is so wonderful to remind us of our blessings. I know I have been guilty of only seeing the parts I didn't like in situations like this and He always reigns me back in!! Love and Blessings to you and your momma!!

  4. Girl, I am your newest follower. I so needed to read this post. God certainly tapped me on the shoulder as I read. I look forward to catching up with you and reading your older posts!


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