
Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear new followers and subscribers…

I’ve had a few new followers and subscribers lately.  My heart goes pitter patter with excitement every time that happens.  To me it’s equivalent to having someone say, “let’s be friends!”.  I’ve tried to link back and comment on your blogs and say welcome, but some of you don’t have blogs or contact information.  This is my way to say welcome, if I haven’t been able to already.
I hope you will enjoy my blog enough to stick around, and maybe even recommend it to some of your friends.  My desire is for this to be a place where, together, we can follow Jesus in our real lives. (I write about everything from Bible study and prayer to photography, cooking, home decor, marriage and family, fitness…I’m not a very good niche blogger I guess.) I love the fact that Jesus followers from all over are able to connect via blogging.  I am so grateful for the blog friends I have met in the year that I’ve been here.
I love to hear from you, so feel free to add comments.  I want to get to know you better.
Let’s be friends!

Closing with a little red, white and blue, just for you!


  1. Boy you seem like a real nice lady. Remind me a little of my mom...oh wait...xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. I love following you!! You were one of the first blogs I found and followed and your blog has been such a blessing and inspiration to me.

    Have a wonderful 4th weekend

  3. Your blog is wonderful, and I wish I had thought of this title for mine! Keep up the good work.

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I must tell you how much I LOVE Portland. It is such a gorgeous city.

  5. It has been a blessing to find your blog and follow it! I agree with you that it is fun and worth to find other Christian bloggers :)

    Beautiful pictures as well! Have a blessed Fourth of July!
    Love and blessings in Christ,
    Rachel M. from Hopejourney

  6. You have such a gracious heart.

    And I LOVE your Red, White & Blue. Wow!

  7. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures, Elizabeth. I am glad that I have had time already with you to share Jesus back and forth. Aren't blogs such a creative way to do that? God never runs out of good ideas! May all of us Christian bloggers continue to glorify Him through what we say to Him and to each other. Blessings to you, friend!

  8. Let's be friends! (Love your kitchen!)

  9. Your sweet tenacity in directing your gaze back to our Savior is so encouraging. Please keep writing!
    I'm glad I found you.


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