
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggity jig…

We got home late last night after 11 days of vacation in the sunny and hot, hot, hot Coachella Valley of California.  Instead of waking up to blue skies and early morning temps in the nineties, I woke up to cool air, overcast skies, and the familiar sounds of the birds that live around my house. I will miss the blue skies and heat, but there’s still no place like home. 






Still following,



  1. Welcome back home! Our weather is wonderful - not too hot - but I'm sure you will enjoy being back in your own home. So glad you and your hubby got away for rest. Maybe we can find a time to get together soon! Blessings for a great Lords' Day, my friend.

  2. Welcome Home! Refreshed and ready to be about your Fathers Business :)

    Love and Blessings

  3. YYAAYY!! Your H*O*M*E!! I have missed you SO MUCH!! XXOO, Damaris


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