
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday’s favs…I’m lovin’ creation’s beauty!

We have had the strangest weather here in the Portland area.  June was wet, wet, wet.  Since coming home from vacation it hasn’t been wet, but each morning has been overcast, and then in the afternoon the weather turns lovely.  Summer is over halfway over and I feel as though we haven’t had very summery weather here, but this weekend is supposed to be HOT!  I love it!  I want to cherish and savor each beautiful sunny moment!  I have been savoring the sunny afternoons/evenings this week. So, one evening, I sweet talked my hubby into taking me for a drive up the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway east of Portland.  This is the beauty found only about a half hour’s drive east of our city.


farmland…DSC_0048 Columbia River Gorge with the Vista House in the distance…

DSC_0005 at the Vista House looking west toward the city…

DSC_0010from Vista House looking east…

DSC_0013one of many waterfalls on the scenic highway…



the magnificent Multnomah Falls…





Creation’s beauty inspires me.  It feeds my spirit.  It makes me wonder, if creation is this beautiful,

how beautiful, magnificent, wonderful, indescribable is the Creator?



Today, I’m linking here~

inspired room


  1. Oh, I wish I could have stowed away with you! You went on one of my most favorite drives in our area. So beautiful!

  2. It's been 13 years since I moved from Gresham to the east coast. The Columbia Gorge was one of my favorite places to visit at all times throughout the year. Thanks for sharing your lovely captures of the area.

  3. You were this close to my house and you didn't stop by?!? Thank you for reminding me of how thankful I should be for the beauty that surrounds me!! XXOO, Damaris

  4. I have never been out west before, but those pictures really make me want to plan a trip! That place is so beautiful - I wonder what He must have been thinking when He made it.

  5. Oh my, I was so in awe of the beautiful pics (soon to be on FB) I took at the beach last week-end, I'd forgotten how wonderful the Columbia (favorite river!) River Gorge is. Just think, as much as God loves beauty in creating all of this, He loves us more, whom He created to enjoy it! Awesome God. Thanks for sharing, Susan

  6. Today in church, the background of one of our songs was the bridge in front of the waterfall. How neat to come here and see it is indeed a real place. :) Later realized we drove by the falls on a trip out west about 7 years ago. We were driving the other direction and by the time we saw them were already past and unfortunately didn't turn around. :(


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