
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mirror makeover…

Well, this is the best before I’ve got of the mirror.  The grandkids were having a sleepover at our house and were having a silly time hanging out in our bedroom.  This also shows some of our before bedroom colors (taupe and burgundy) before our “beach cottage” makeover.
Me with my TERRIBLE painting skills managed to paint the mirror frame. and once dry, do some sanding to distress it.  

What possessed me to take a picture with the bed unmade?  Well this blog is supposed to be about my real life so…Anyway, it’s a good picture of the mirror, and of the overall change in the bedroom


Still following in my REAL life,


I’m linking here~

1 comment:

  1. love, Love, LOVE the mirror!! And, I love that you are so REAL!! XXOO, Damaris


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