
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


holy experience

Sometimes I avoid Him.  I put off entering His presence until I feel more acceptable…until I’ve got my spiritual self together more.  Other times I breeze right into His throne room, proud of myself.  I’m on a roll, a good streak, I’ve been good.  I know better, but I still feel like He likes me better, will hear my prayers more, on the days I have my act together. Both scenarios are flawed, both based on the crumbling foundation of self righteousness and works, both rooted in pride.
There is no one good enough, no not one.  Not even me.  No matter how consistent I am in spiritual disciplines, how selfless in acts of service, how fervent in prayer I am still undeserving of His great love and grace.  And yet He loves me…lavishly, extravagantly, overwhelmingly, perfectly, unchangingly, on my best days and on my worst days.  In this truth, I find rest.


Still following,


  1. Yes, so true. I wish I wasn't so changeable. Yet He is such a Rock. So steady, so gracious to me even though I treat Him so flippantly some days.
    Enjoy your thoughts and understand them so much. Have a blessed day, even though...
    Sandi from SC

  2. This post has truly blessed me today, I was able to sit and rest as His presence filled my soul with a peace and knowing that I am in His love, not about me but all about Him; how He is and whose I am because of HIM. I am his forever.! Love that song.....thank you Elizabeth.

  3. I like it when you said, "in this truth I find rest." That really sums it up. Lovely. I just posted my Wednesday post on rest too.

  4. I have felt so inconsistent in my daily discipline of quiet time lately. So I join you in reveling how much he loves us despite ourselves. We can rest in him.

  5. So true Elizabeth!! I love how HE loves me, the good and the bad!!

    Love and blessings!!

  6. Well said my friend...
    and oh how He loves us \0/


    Deborah xo

  7. Oh yes! I understand exatly what you've said. You're so right in saying in Him we find rest...especially after the rollarcoaster we tend to take ourselves on at times :]


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