
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Snippets from vacation…

“Honey, wake up!  The alarm didn’t go off”  We had less than five minutes before our predawn ride to the airport would arrive…barely time to brush our teeth and throw on some clothes. As I waited to board our plane I found myself wishing for a t-shirt printed with the words, “I usually look better than this!”  The other thing that really bothered me was leaving the house with the bed unmade.  The first thing I did when we landed in L.A. was call our house sitter and explain why…yep.

We  drove from L.A. to Palm Springs.  Yes, it’s true.  This beach lovin’ lady LOVES the desert and the heat.

011  Six summers ago we ended up here when a hurricane messed up our vacation plans to go to the Gulf Coast.  We’ve been back to Palm Springs every summer since.

Hubby seemed awfully chatty with the guy at the rental car counter.  As we walked out to the car he explained that for just a wee bit more money, he had rented a Mustang convertible. (When we first started dating he owned a 66 Mustang convertible…we’ve never stopped regretting selling it.  Oh the things you do to pay for college!) Hubby grins like a school boy in this car.

Laying by the pool in the therapeutic dry heat, I soon dozed off.  In my stupor I felt something in my swimsuit top and slapped at it…seems it was a bee, who took its revenge by stinging me on the, uhhh, sensitive upper body region.

The night ended with a local fireworks display.  We sat in the car, the top down, and watched.


I slept 10 hours last night…ten!  I am typing this on the patio of the timeshare condo, after starting the day out here with coffee, Bible and journaling.  Happy, happy!

013015027    Hubby is wanting me to finish so we can go walking. See you all later!

Happy Tuesday!



I’m linking here today~

Tuesday Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky


  1. You so deserve such a sweet rest and refreshment!

  2. What a lovely time you are having!! So sorry about the bee sting though!!

    Enjoy your walks, your time with you sweet hubby, and your time with Jesus!!

    Love and blessings

  3. I'm so glad you two could get away and relax. And having the convertible is an added 'blessing'! Love your photos. It was almost as good as being right there, too.

  4. Not only sounds amazing but looks like a wonderful vacation!! Aside from the unfriendly visit from the bee. ;)

  5. Looks like you're in a beautiful place...sorry about that mean old bee stinging you on one of the "girls"...have a wonderful time! God bless you, Robyn


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