
Sunday, July 11, 2010

The tattooed God…

I carefully select my lounge chair by the pool. Full sun for me with a shady spot nearby for hubby.  I find a good spot to set down my bag containing towel, sunscreen, books, journal, pens and water bottle.  I alternate between reading, shutting my eyes and resting, jumping into the pool to cool off, and people watching. 
Eventually two young women come and choose the lounge chairs just a couple yards to my left.  It’s hard not to notice.  One is very heavily tattooed everywhere.  She’s beautiful, and I wonder to myself if she’ll regret the permanent marks on her body someday.  I think of the younger me in my twenties and how unsure I was of who I was.  I wonder when she is my age if she will regret what she did to herself in her twenties.
My mind wanders some more, and I remember that God is tattooed…
“Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of my hands…” Isaiah 49:19 (Amplified Bible)
“For He knows our frame, He (earnestly) remembers and imprints (on His heart) that we are dust.” Psalm 103:14 (Amp.)
“Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm…” Song of Solomon 8:6 (Amp.)
Tattooed with me, with my image, my name, even with a reminder of my weakness, that I am only dust.
I am humbled.  I am so, so grateful.  I don’t want Him to ever regret it.

holy experience

my continuing gratitude list #493-506
-making our flight on time, in spite of the alarm not going off

-my suitcase, a close call, barely one pound under the limit

-catching up on rest


-Mama’s condo sold in only a week!


-riding in a convertible with hubby

-cool cotton sundresses

-an earthquake centered 30 miles south of Palm Springs, but no damages, no injuries

-safe travels

-our nephew’s wedding (my hubby was honored to perform the ceremony!)
-laughter and joy

-happy tears

-great reports about how church went while we were gone

Gratefully yours,


  1. I love Isaiah 49:19 and the fact that He would do this for me. Thank you for sharing this Scripture.

  2. Love those verses!How humbling and awesome it is to remember that He desires me even more than I do Him.

  3. sweet reminders of His love. one of my favorite images of scripture.
    thank you.
    beautiful pictures!

  4. Beautiful pictures... beautiful words... beautiful memories!

  5. We miss you both so much! True Life Church had a full house Sunday. Worship at a whole new level, (even though it's been climbing, climbing, climbing. Wayman Steel presched powerful word for the house, and "we are ready to roll". C'mon home y'all, you are sorely missed (but we're so happy you are having a great time). LOL, Susan


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