
Monday, July 5, 2010

Thankful for freedom…

I am writing this late on the fourth of July…soon to pass midnight and be the fifth of July.  The neighbors are still celebrating with fireworks, loud fireworks!

We had a wonderful fourth of July. We had church, followed by a church picnic.  This morning my husband’s message was about the faith of those who founded our nation.  At one point he read the Declaration of Independence, and stated that after the Declaration freedom still had to be fought for.  He went on to say that we have to be vigilant to maintain freedom.

As he spoke, I took those truths to heart for more than just our nation.  What he said is certainly true for me.  God has brought me freedom and liberty in so many areas in my life.  In most cases, it wasn’t something instantaneous at an altar, it was a process as I grew in my relationship with Him, and as I renewed my mind with His truth.  Even now, I have to be vigilant to stay free.  Sloppy, slothful living is an open door for me to slip right back into old ways of thinking, reacting and responding.

Grumbling, murmuring, complaining, ingratitude, are all chains of bondage that I don’t want. Today, I celebrate my independence, and continue to give thanks…

holy experience

Continuing gratitude list #481-492

-new faces at church

-familiar faces at church

-an evening walk

-going to see Mom at her new assisted living home, and finding her gone on an outing, getting involved with the people and activities there

-Middle Eastern turkey burgers…yum!

-backyard s’mores



-blue, cloudless skies

-oldest granddaughter helping me with house decor projects

-hubby and I making strawberry jam together



-celebrating the fourth of July with our church family


-all of the wonderful church members who work night and day for a week at our firework’s tent to raise money for youth camp

-a friend at church who helped me figure out more things with my new camera


Gratefully yours,


1 comment:

  1. Celebrating freedom with stick smore smiles right along with you!

    Delighted to meet you. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to slip off my shoes and soak in thankfulness alongside you.



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