
Sunday, July 25, 2010

We have this moment today…

  Today, some of the words to an old song bubbled up in my memory.  I had to google the lyrics, and thought them beautiful and appropriate to post today.


Hold tight to the sound of the music of living,

Happy songs from the laughter of children at play;

Hold my hand as we run through the sweet fragrant meadows,

Making mem'ries of what was today.



We have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;

Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,

But we have this moment today.

Tiny voice that I hear is my little girl calling,

For Daddy to hear just what she has to say;

And my little son running there by the hillside,

May never be quite like today.



 We have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;

Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,

But we have this moment today.

Tender words, gentle touch and a good cup of coffee,

And someone who loves me and wants me to stay;

Hold them near while they're here and don't wait for tomorrow,

To look back and wish for today.



We have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;

Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,

But we have this moment today.

Take the blue of the sky and the green of the forest,

And the gold and the brown of the freshly mown hay;

Add the pale shades of spring and the circus of autumn,

And weave you a lovely today.


 We have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;

Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,

But we have this moment today.

~by Gloria Gaither

my continuing gratitude list #520-#533


Thanking God for the moments…


-family dinner out on the deck


-warm grilled peaches topped with vanilla ice cream


-baby granddaughter calling for Papa


-pulling oldest granddaughter’s tooth


-grandson calling and asking Papa to sleep in the backyard in a tent with him


-a summer evening drive with my hubby


-a date by the river with hubby


-a walk with hubby and the grandkids



-a fun evening with friends


-Mama’s missing retirement check problem solved


-a special day with oldest granddaughter, making jam, going to the movies, having a sleepover


-a special day with oldest grandson, playing in the sprinkler, exploring the old covered bridge, having a sleepover


Gratefully yours


Join me and others in the Gratitude Community here~

holy experience


  1. Oh, I love this song and have a special memory of the first time I heard it. My sweetheart was pastoring our first church, our son was a chubby-legged toddler and I had not been well. A dear young couple in our church took us to a Gaither concert at the 'old' Civic Auditorium in Portland. It was one of those experiences that I'll never forget. The whole evening ministered to my weary heart but near the end no one wanted to leave so Bill and Gloria and his brother Danny sat on the edge of the stage floor and sang more songs than they had planned to do. Bill decided to share a new song they had just written days before. It was this song - not yet released. My tears poured as the truth of the words gripped my heart. So true. Make the most of every moment. Thank you for sharing it today - I needed to hear it again and be reminded not to rush through the days without treasuring every second!

  2. I always love your gratitude lists.


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