
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Come winter…

Come winter I’ll remember when the yard was full of daisies…

and grandbabies.


I’ll remember the day oldest granddaughter gathered old perfume bottles, and shapely bottles that once held olive oil, vinegar, syrup…

how she soaked them in sudsy, bubbles that filled the kitchen sink, and she scraped all the labels off.

I’ll remember how Papa and only grandson came in the back door carrying arms of the daisies…

and how grandson helped remove the bottom leaves…

and how we filled the sparkly, clean, shapely bottles…
and how they transformed the house with sunshine and summer and love.
Come winter, I’ll remember…


Still following,


  1. Simply beautiful both the memories and the pictures!

    Linda J

  2. So happy and summery. Makes me smile.

  3. It made Meg smile and it made me cry--I guess because there are so many summers behind me now and so many winters that have been spent exactly as you say.

    The antidote--Chuck Swindoll wrote a book called Come Before Winter--it is basically writings to prepare us for the winter--the squirrels in our yard are hiding nuts right now in preparation for winter.

    God is preparing you Elizabeth. It won't be easy but you will be prepared--your heart will be prepared by Him.

    This was an absolutely incredible idea for a post. Thank you for making a lump come to my throat. Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  4. Ah, beautiful! I love how He unfolds these beautiful moments in our ordinary days and life becomes extraordinary. Your pictures (and grandbabies) are gorgeous!

  5. Such beauty in the simple things.

  6. smiles. how cool is that...memories like that...yeah i would remember them too...

  7. I loved this. I put clusters of flowers--sometimes just 3---in odd little containers--love the joy they spread. I wrote about them in my August post titled posies and lessons

  8. oh, friend, i love your blog, and your photos shine... and your grandbabies, they're beautiful, and yes... in the dark of winter, we remember the light... the days past when God was so near, and goodness, so tangible. thank you so much for linking. i hope to see you again. xo


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