
Thursday, August 19, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday’s favs…I’m lovin’ my new bag!

I was ready for a new “Jesus date” bag.
(You must click and read or that term will make no sense.)
I saw a bag I loved here
I found out it was purchased years ago at a small boutique, and I couldn’t find one exactly like it anywhere online.
However, I think I came very close here.
So, that is what I got for my birthday from my hubs who spoils me.
It’s a great bag, and big enough to hold, not only my books, but my camera too!
I’m lovin’ it…and I can’t wait to “go on a date”…the beach?, down by the river?
The possibilities are endless!

Today I’m linking here~


  1. Oh, I love your new 'date' bag! That's just what I need for an adventure God has planned for me in a few weeks. Can't wait to tell you all about it. Until I find a bag - I'll just enjoy seeing yours. I'll be back again and again. Can't wait to get together soon.

    P.S. - I always love the music when I stop by to visit. Sometimes I just let it play while I do other things nearby!

  2. I loved reading your posts,what a neat Idea I must share this on my blog I hope you dont mind
    and I will be carrying a Jesus date bag !!!!


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