
Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer’s last hurrah…

On the calendar summer ends in late September.  In my mind, it’s the Labor Day holiday weekend that is summer’s last hurrah.  It has been quite a summer for us.  It began with moving my mama into assisted living while we were at the same time repainting and reflooring our house due to a smoke damage incident.  We had a lovely week and a half of vacation after that month long ordeal, then headed home to the business of summer camp, children’s ministries training in California, and the emotional move of middle daughter and her family to the east coast, on top of the normal demands of life and ministry.   So, hubby and I, as is our tradition, are winding up this last week of summer and recharging for the upcoming busy fall season with a few days away.  I am resting and recuperating from the emotional ups and downs of the past months, I am spending time soaking up the sun before I head back to the cool northwest, I am listening to the wooing of God’s Spirit calling me to wholehearted love and I am saying yes, I am enjoying my husband, I am purposefully savoring the sweet nectar of this last week of summer.





Still following,

Today I’m linking to

Tuesday Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky


  1. Rest much, my friend! You deserve a break and these days will refresh you body - and your soul. After our days away, when Fall has begun in ernest, you and I will be able to 'tie down' a date to do something fun and catch up with each other. Your gorgeous photos almost make me think I'm already on vacation!

  2. My first stop, You have a lovely blog!!

  3. I know, I feel the same way--about summer's end--I guess because when I was small we always started school right after Labor Day and it truly was the end of our summer.

    Love the rounded corners. I used to know how to do that and just the other day thought I need to relearn that--my old editing program on Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite would just do it with a click of the button--not so with Photoshop Elements unless there is sumpin' I don't know, which WOULD NOT surprise me.

    Enjoy your rest and your hubby,


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