
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thank You, Daddy..

Baby granddaughter is 18 months old.  Her vocabulary is growing daily.  Before she became fluent in anything more than gibberish, her mama taught her a few words in sign language, words like please and thank you.  When she did begin to talk her first word was Daddy.  Soon she was saying Mama, Papa, Nana, and the list now grows almost daily.  On this day each week when I count my many blessings, I realize how even our baby granddaughter has all the words necessary for gratitude, “Thank You, Daddy.  Thank You.”
My continuing gratitude list #578-590

-a bouquet of dried lavender

-the first cup of coffee in the morning

-time with baby granddaughter

-clean bathrooms


-scrubbed floors



-lunch and antiquing with a friend

-a hummingbird right outside my office window

-cool morning air


-all the little things that my husband does for me

-middle daughter, son in law and grandbabies arrived safely in South Carolina

-a wonderful end of summer getaway with my hubby


-a good report from home

-time in the sun with the Son


Gratefully yours,
Join me and the rest of the gratitude community here~

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love that first cup of coffee--for me that is one of my greatest joys in life--

    Thrilled to hear that your kids arrived safely in S.C.

    Beautiful list--love that pink dress!

    E. D.


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