
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wrapped up in love…

I am wrapped up in love.  Thursday as my daughter, son in law, and grandbabies pulled their loaded to the brim mini-van out of Portland and left for missions training on the other side of the country, friends and family far and near knew this Mom and Dad, this Papa and Nana, would need prayer…and we did… and they prayed, and you prayed, and though the tears fell, and still do at times, God has wrapped me, (us),  up in His love, in their love, in your love.  I am so grateful.  Thank you kind friends.


My continuing gratitude list #567-577


-one last sleepover before they left town


- a hot sunny day at the river








-dinner with people who always cause me to remember what it means to live a laid down life for Jesus


-snuggling my grandson and praying over him


-facebook and email and cell phones and Skype to communicate with far away daughters and grandbabies


-friends who knew I would need them this week and made time for me




-those who prayed for us  (please keep it up!)


-sisters, brothers, cousins…family reunion on my dad’s side of the family


-a phone call from my daughter and grandbabies catching me up on the day’s adventures




-youngest granddaughter still lives near and is coming to spend the day tomorrow!


-a camera that has helped me have eyes to see the beauty in the ordinary









Very gratefully yours,


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holy experience


  1. Beautiful photos. So glad you got to spend time with your families -- goodbyes are so hard. I give thanks with you for the many ways to keep connected!!

  2. Holding you up to the Father - and close in my heart! Do we need to schedule that day away shopping or thrifting or whatever? Let me know when you're free.

  3. I can relate! My daughter left Sunday for Mexico to serve at a Christian school for the deaf. I was singing worship songs in our church meeting when I thought of my daughter, and tears rolled down my cheeks as I praised God.

    Praying for you!

  4. Thanks for the sweet note, Elizabeth!


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