
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Mantel with Autumn Banner…

When I decorated my mantel for fall I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. 

(Yes, I dare to leave my solid brass sconces in their original untrendy, brassy finish, because I’m a decor rebel!)





DSC_0037tweeked DSC_0040tweeked

Then one evening, while hubby was gone to a meeting, I had an idea of something I could do with materials I already had around the house.

First I put on my pajamas…

then I put the movie No Reservations in the dvd player…

(these two steps are VERY important)

then I spread out my supplies all over the bedroom floor in my special, highly organized, crafting room…

then I made a template for the “pennant type triangles” (measure five inches from the corner and put a dot, put a dot at the center two and a half inch mark, from the center dot measure down six inches and make another dot, connect that dot to the two outer dots at the top and you have a perfect triangle)…

then I cut out the template and used it to cut out six triangles from burlap…


using a yardstick to give make sure all the letters were approximately at the same point on the triangles I used a sharpie and freehanded the word a-u-t-u-m-n…

then I dipped the sharpie point in black craft paint (because I didn’t have a small enough paint brush) and went over the letters in paint…

afterwards I quickly rinsed off the sharpie, and it still works!

(Are you in awe of my highly technical craft skills yet?)



I took three long pieces of jute twine and knotted them together at approximately six inch intervals. 

I wanted something thicker than a single piece of twine. 

Other ideas might be a piece of rope or cording, a strip of fabric, or braiding some twine together…I just used what I had and did what was easiest.

Then I hot glued on the burlap triangles, spacing them a bit apart.

I hot glued on artificial fall leaves on the top corners of each triangle.

Now my mantel looks like this!





Still following,


~happily linking to the Nester’s fall mantel party

and Hooked on House’s fall decor party~


  1. Loved it when I first saw it - loving it more all the time. Starting to do Fall decorating in my home - a little at a time. Thinking of changing up some of my usual decorations. Hmmm, wonder what I might find if I meet a special friend at an antique mall in a few days!

  2. that looks great, before banner and after! i need to do something like that banner, you made it seem so simple. great job!

    and i really like your writing style, too! funny and smart. if i may say so, rather like me. lol.

  3. Very cool! The mantel gets a makeover here this weekend!

  4. Love it! I have never done a mantle banner. I see them and like them but have never done one.

    And as much as I'm a spray paint gal... I don't touch the solid brass either. The brass wannabe stuff is a different story. I wouldn't touch those scounces!


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