
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In my dreams…

On a summer evening walk, just the two of us,  he holds up his treasure and says,

“You keep it Nana.  You keep it so you’ll always remember our walk.”




Truth is, when I remember his mama and her sisters at his age, the memories are all fuzzy, blurry, like an out of focus camera. 

The extraordinary moments in an otherwise ordinary life, buried deep in the memory bank under the piles of moments, days, weeks, months, years.

But once in a while, I dream about them, and out of the subconscious it all comes back, crystal clear.

I am back in the past, with my three little girls. 

I see their faces as clearly as if I was looking at them, two with brown eyes, one with blue.

I hear their little girl voices, even the little lisp that middle daughter used to have.

The subconscious has recorded it and filed it away in perfection.


I take the feather from his hand and say,

“I will not forget.

I promise.”



Still following,



Linking here~

Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. smiles. my boys find treasures all the time...i keep them in the drawer by my nightstand and on nights i need to remember i take them out and smile.

  2. Such a gift when onc of those buried snapshots surfaces in memory. Beautiful.

  3. Oh, you've captured your grandson so wonderfully well in this photo. And you speak truth. We don't forget.

  4. oh, i just pray that i remember. i feel like i can hardly remember when they were one, much less in 20 years!!! maybe somedays i will. thanks for such a sweet post to read.

  5. The memories seem to seep into the forefront when I'm with my granddaughter. It must be their gift - to bring back those same feelings when we were moms of our own littles.

  6. Motherhood amnesia. Keeps us from remembering or I think we would constantly miss those times and not move on to enjoy being a nana.


  7. this is written so beautifully...memoires of the heart

  8. oh... this makes me want to scoop up my little boy and cling hard. thank you. utterly beautiful.

  9. Simple special. Love this post. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope your having a blessed day!

  10. This one made me cry this morning.
    No. Feather or no feather, you won't forget.
    I loved it.

  11. Oh how wonderful. I am learning to write things down, because though I am sure that I will remember because it struck me so funny or made such an impression, the next day is full of temper tantrums and dirty diapers, and I forget too easily. This was so beautiful.

  12. That brought tears to my eyes. I hope I never forget. Just yesterday my little one gave me a perfect orange maple leaf that had fallen. I think I'll tuck it away somewhere to help me remember.

    Stopping by via Simple Pleasures.

  13. What a sweet moment. I'm sure you are a wonderful Nana, Elizabeth.

    Thanks for leaving such a precious message of love to me on my blog. It has been such a difficult year watching my mother decline and now pass on, but prayers and sweet words from blogger friends like you really have made a difference in keeping my faith alive and my hope up. Never doubt what a difference your words can make! Thank you for sending so many my way. I've been blessed by you.

  14. Love this! I know I will never forget either - something a Mother never forgets! Great post!


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