
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ode to a soup pot…


VLUU L310 W  / Samsung L310 W


In summer it sits upon the shelf and rarely sees the light of day

Come fall and winter out it comes on gloomy days with skies of gray

Its color red it is my favorite, no plain jane pot will do for me

It makes me happy just to see it, filling heart and home with glee

A pinch of this, a dash of that, who knows what wonders it contains?

I want to eat its lovely contents, with bread to sop up last remains

A spicy chili?  Marinara?  A Sendak style soup with rice?

The smells they waft, they woo, they linger, they oh so shamelessly entice

Oh lovely soup pot, ‘tis your season, these Northwest rains they beckon me

To bring you out from hidden pantry, this year’s debut, what shall it be?

Boeuf Bourguignon?  It was a highlight, on autumn day some months gone by

A hearty stew? A roasted chicken? A flakey crusted chicken pie?

Whatever it is, it’s sure to gladden, sure to cheer and to sustain

Oh lovely soup pot how I’ve missed you, it ALMOST makes me glad for rain


VLUU L310 W  / Samsung L310 W


Still following,


Happily linking here today~

Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. Wonderful post. I love soup! After reading your post I am on my way to the kitchen to get my pot just like your's only blue. I am going to order that book from amazon,also.

  2. What wonderful prose! I admire anyone who can write and make it rhyme. Such talents I do not possess. :) I believe we have the same exact soup pot and I'm longing for the day when I can pull out from its hiding place and fill it with my divine potato soup, or something equally warming. Your soup looks delicious and your words made me oh, so hungry!

    Thanks for linking up with Simple Pleasures today. This is a perfect post for the party.

  3. Hi Elizabeth, just delightful dear friend--the prose and the soup and the soup pot. You made me hungry and it is much too late to eat. There's always tomorrow but it is supposed to be in the 90's. I guess a salad will have to do for a few more days or weeks. Boo hoo! Hey that last line rhymed.

  4. it is almost that time of year where ours will make its way back out to warm us from the chill of the day...nice write...

  5. So comforting. I can't wait to get my pot out now!

  6. I think I can smell your soup!
    Hip Hip Horray for soup weather again.

  7. So cozy. I love the color red on a gray, rainy day, and a red pot filled with homemade soup is even better!

  8. Elizabeth this whole post warms the soul....:-)
    Thank you for your warm comments over at my blog.

  9. this is how we mark fall, too. :)

  10. Love this! I would print it, frame it, and put it somewhere in the kitchen. And isn't it just so true??

    What is it about rain that makes me long for soup? And what is it about soup that makes me long for rain?

    Yes, indeedy, soup in the pot is a simple pleasure.

  11. now i'm hungry. :) and i feel cozy, just having read this. what a beautiful ode to soup and fall and warmth. thank you so much for linking, friend! xo

  12. Great post, I love soups and stews and all the comforting tastes that come with cooler weather.

    I can relate to missing a soup pot, I have missed my crock pots which was my simple pleasure today.

    Today my house is smelling of Chicken and Corn chowder and Warm apple crisp, not using one crock pot but two. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Mmmmm. . .when will it be ready? Is it soup yet?

  14. This is putting me in a chicken and dumplings kind of a mood ;-)Comforting home style prose!

  15. Ooooh, Elizabeth. That stew/soup looks scrumptious.

  16. although i miss the heat, i've been so excited to pull out my soup cookbooks and start creating again. that and homemade bread are a perfect meal for me. slowly, my family is beginning to love soup too. :)

  17. This is an absolutely delicious ode. Makes me long for cooler weather and a nice hot bowl of soup.

  18. Loved your poem about your red soup pot! The soup looks wonderful too! I can almost smell it from here...makes me want to start making soup. Great Simple Pleasure for sure.


  19. LOL.. so true for the pots and yet so beautifully composed..

    Dear Poetic Friend:

    I invite you to join us at Jingle Poetry :, we have a Monday Poetry Potluck party (weekly) for you to enjoy, the link is open American Central Time 8pm to Tuesday, 8pm. You have 48 hours linking in 1 to 3 poems, you could use an old poem if you don’t have a most updated one handy…

    Hope to see you today, please do stop by and check us out.
    Let us know when you stop by so that we place your link in our blog list….
    Happy Sunday!

  20. Dear Elizabeth, I subscribe to your blog, and went over to My Freshly Brewed Life to visit you at your guest post there. I have read the other two posts that you mentioned there, but had not seen this one. Love it! Great job.



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