
Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunshine came to my house today…


Though the skies outside were cloudy, sunshine, (aka youngest granddaughter), came to my house today.


She played with the same little toys her mama and aunties used to play with


She is busy, busy, busy…but suddenly, she put her toys down and crawled up on my lap.

She rested her head on my shoulder and stroked my arm while I sang to her.

She sat there for less than five minutes before getting down to play some more.


But what a happy five minutes it was!



Still following,


Linking to Tuesday Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky

Sweet Shot Day


  1. So cute Elizabeth! What a joy she is!

  2. She's precious! Treasure those moments - they are the best!

  3. What a sweet moment and a beautiful blessing!

  4. How close we come to God when a child rests for a moment in our lap. I wonder if our prayers are for Him like your granddaughter's visit. You have been blessed and I am grateful that you shared these precious moments via Tuesdays Unwrapped. It has been a sweet delight.

  5. She is absolutely adorable! How wonderful to be able to have her spend time with you! Wish we lived closer so my children could see their grandparents more often...

  6. Love those moments when busy becomes calm. :) Thanks for sharing her with us!

  7. these are the moments that make our hearts sing, no? the moments that live forever... thank you for sharing this beauty with us. this bit of sunshine. and thank you for stopping by my place today! i hope you'll join me for imperfect prose on thursdays, friend. xo

  8. such a sweet gesture, and a moment to treasure. Loved reading this!

  9. So sweet. It just does a heart good to have those precious five minutes.

  10. These are precious photos of your sweet little sunshine! I love that our kids can play with the same toys that my husband & I played with when they visit our parents' houses, too. Such treasured memories!

  11. I have a little granddaughter that is almost 2 who came to us through adoption after many years of praying for her and the birthmother that God would see fit to use to bring her into our lives. She will suddenly stop playing to run over to me, hug my leg and say, "Hi, Gaga." It melts my heart. She, too, is my sunshine. She now has a little brother that I look forward to having my heart melted by. God is good all the time.


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