
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Above it all…

Sometimes it’s easier to keep your gratitude attitude with a little change of perspective.

Instead of being

“under the circumstances”


“in the middle of a mess”

sometimes it’s a good idea to get above it all…






…and to remember

that’s where you really belong.

Ephesians 2:6 (Amplified Bible)

And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together

[giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere

[by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).


my continuing gratitude list #701-#715


-God ministering to and through His people on Sunday morning


-cards and a gift certificate for two nights at the beach, (I LOVE the beach!),  in appreciation from our church


-a blustery day and just a few more minutes snuggling under the covers


-berry cobbler with a hot cup of coffee (for breakfast!)


-making bread








-family dinner with the cousins


-a good report at Mom’s doctor appointment


-her bill at the assisted living center went down


-a great evening walk with the Hubs


-a huge flock of geese honking and flying overhead


-a tram ride


-the Hubs and I ministering to a hurting couple


-being free to mark our ballots and cast our vote


-visiting a friend in a care facility and being able to pray not only for her, but her roommate too


Gratefully yours,



linking with the gratitude gatherers here~

holy experience



Click here to enter my giveaway for

Beth Moore’s book Jesus-90 days with the One and Only


  1. Great gratitude list, Elizabeth. I especially love the "freedom" one. Beautiful pics too.

    Hope you have a blessed week and enjoy the ocean--my favorite place although I could count on both hands the number of times I have ever had the privilege of visiting it. Someday maybe! Gives me something to look forward to. :)


  2. Loved reading through your list. Made me think about the things that I need to be grateful for yet so often forget about. And oh my goodness those rolls look so delicious! Mind sharing the recipe?

  3. I am up to #686 so I'm not far behind
    you in my list of blessings and gratitude.
    Enjoyed yours today.

  4. I love your lists! Thanks for the Monday morning encouragement!

  5. Your gratitude list is wonderful this week, but my favorite part of the post is the Ephesians passage and the lesson of it and the pictures.

    I really love that, Elizabeth. I love the idea of getting "above" it to see it from a more heavenly perspective. Funny how what seems big becomes part of bigger picture, huh?

  6. Wonderful and insightful post. What a blessing, Elizabeth. You have a wonderful heart for others.
    Your bread looked amazing!


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