
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creation’s praise…





The cell phone beeps

It’s the weather app.

Warning me of high winds and rain

and snow in the Cascades

That night I fall asleep to the sound of rain beating on the roof and drumming on the windows

and the creak of the branches in the old growth trees outside

whipping wildly

and I pray that none of the huge giants that surround our house

come crashing down

In the morning it’s still raining and the wind is still

whipping wildly

And out the window I see the grand old firs, and the massive red cedars

waving their branches in exuberant praise

clapping wildly

to their Creator

and the autumn leaves

from the birch and the oak and the maple

join in and twirl and swirl in a dance of colorful, extravagant worship

and something in me wants to join

in the extravagant dance, the exuberant clapping, the beautiful song

of creation

worshipping our Creator


Worthy, worthy, worthy

of all glory, honor and praise

is He





Still following,



happily linking here~

this week’s simple pleasure

hearing the autumn storm rage outside while being safe and cozy and snuggled in my house~

Project Simple Pleasures2


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  1. smiles. that is the beauty of creation giving back to its creator...worship moves me to dance as well...on a side note the weather has been vicious here as well...

  2. what wonderful thoughts - your pictures are awesome to Elizabeth! You do have the eye. Mine is quite fuzzy sometime. :) Thanks for sharing your simple pleasure and your heart.
    IN HIM,

  3. mmm what is it about autumn that seems to turn up the volume on creation's song of praise? thank you for sharing and for capturing the storm's splendor

  4. It would IS... my simple pleasure to stay safely inside while the weather rages outside.

    I think what you wrote is *simply* beautiful. I will try my best to remember to think of raging weather as incredible praise the next time I'm scared.

  5. Hi Elizabeth,
    I'm visiting from Emily's imperfect prose, trying to get a feel for how to write a piece for this meme.
    Loved your poetry and those spectacular photos. Oh! You've captured fall so beautifully~and it's my favorite season!

  6. images and words of encouragement today magical

  7. is storming on my end of the country today also; thank you for giving me a new way to think of it.

  8. Beautiful! The words and the photos draw me to praise Him. If all of creation sings His praise, so should we!

  9. Lovely pictures, God colours our world so beautifully.

  10. Great simple pleasures and lovely photos, too. Susan

  11. Your photos are so awesome..
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow...

  12. Elizabeth, you've done it again .... mesmerized me with your wonderful way with words. What a gift! Such a great Simple Pleasures post.

  13. SHOUT to the LORD all the earth let us sing. GLORY and majesty - praise to our King. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your NAME !!
    Elizabeth, your words and photos move me to join you in worshipping our Lord God in "the extravagant dance!" Thank you so much..

  14. Yes, we were thinking along similar lines, weren't we? Gorgeous photos. Love the trees...

    "clapping wildly

    to their Creator

    and the autumn leaves

    from the birch and the oak and the maple

    join in and twirl and swirl in a dance of colorful, extravagant worship"

    Such joyful poetry.

  15. Gorgeous photos. Our creator is such a awesome artist.

    Thanks for sharing a beautiful post.

  16. everything in me leapt up and cried, amen, to this post, elizabeth! what a heart you have, for seeing him... and what beautiful vision. i love this line: "join in and twirl and swirl in a dance of colorful, extravagant worship

    and something in me wants to join ..."

    i'm joining you today, sister. thank you so much for linking. i always love your posts. xo

  17. It truly is a blessing to have shelter from the storm, both physically and spiritually. Your photos are magnificent. Many blessings, Tammy

  18. Your Blog is beautiful and very thought provoking.

  19. Hi Elizabeth--glad to meet a fellow Sunday School traveler with fond memories. This is a lovely, lovely post and I echo what Lauri said about autumn seeming to crank up the volume on praise. One of the things I love about the beauty of creation is the diversity of the splendor we enjoy, each of us in different parts of the country and world. Thanks for sharing from your corner. Snow in the forecast, though? Yikes! Blessings.

  20. Your words and your photos here make me want to join in with nature as she worships!

  21. Beautiful pictures to go with your inspired prose. Truly He is worthy of our worship. God bless you for sharing these words of praise.

  22. your pictures are just gorgeous! there were a couple that i would love to have framed on my walls! and the idea of the storm as exuberant praise will surely change how i view the next storm. thank you! blessings. :)

  23. Oh Elizabeth, I don't know how I missed this incredible post--the pictures are great, the writing -- exquisite! What a gift!


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