
Friday, October 29, 2010

Hear and open…

DSC_0006 tweeked


Still following,


happily linking here~

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Jesus-90 days with the One and Only


  1. I guess because of the little song we sang in Sunday School, this verse has always been a favorite. I remember the heart stopping conviction I had several years ago when I really pondered that he is saying that to A CHURCH.

  2. Elizabeth, what an excellent job with this verse! I am really enjoying Scripture & A Snapshot also.

  3. Love this photo! That verse has deep significance for me. God and man at table are sat down.

  4. Really nice work, Elizabeth. Hope your weekend is filled with all things warm and wonderful.


  5. So beautiful of Him!
    Lovely post.

  6. Oh my goodness, I can't believe we did the same verse, and both used a door as the photo - wow! Great minds, huh? :-) I was actually looking for a door similar to the one you used, but couldn't find one in time. I love yours! Happy Sunday! :-)

  7. I love old door pictures and this one is great. Such a wonderful verse.

  8. Love the rusty, old, decrepit door. You and Karli must be on the same wave length.

  9. Every week when the same verse is used by multiple people, I always wonder who that message was intended to reach - and if they got it.

    This is another awesome take on that verse! I love that your door is old and peeling, like so many lives that are a mess - that there's no doorknob, to show that Jesus has to be willingly let in by us, He can't just barge His way through - and the door seemingly leads nowhere, for even the most lost among us still has hope. Even the beam leaning against the door is symbolic of the cross!

  10. I love this verse!!!!! People make it seem so hard to accept what Christ has done for us when it really is as simple as us opening the door. WOW!!!

  11. wow this is the theme verse this week. love the different takes of photo and verse.

  12. Awesome and I love how your picture captured it all! LOVE IT!

  13. that is one great shot. frame worthy!

  14. Love it...the scripture, image and editing. God Bless! ~Diana


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