
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I love my morning coffee!




I wake to whir of grinder’s roar

Then heavenly smells waft through the door

Soon footsteps on the stairs draw near

My morning cup of joe is here!

I want no dainty china cup

A great, big, man-sized mug full up

With coffee, dark and rich and hot

With just a touch of cream on top

Hubs brings it to me every day

That morning cup fixed just my way

I sit and sip, right there in bed

‘Til last night’s cobwebs leave my head

I must admit I cannot think

‘Til first I’ve had that morning drink

I fear I’m just a little hooked

Without it, gosh, my mind feels cooked

And oh my head, it throbs, it aches

Give me my coffee, whatever it takes!

It sounds extreme I must admit

Have I become a coffee addict?

I fear ‘tis true! Oh woe is me!

Is there C.A.* to set me free?



*coffee-aholics anonymous


Still following,


happily linking here~

Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. Elizabeth, this made my day. I, too, am a must-have-coffee-in-the-morning kind of gal and your poem made me smile more than once. I so admire people who can string words together that not only tell a tale, but rhyme to boot. Perfect simple pleasures post!

  2. My sentiments exactly. Love this post. A good cup of coffee in the morning is one of my most favorite simple pleasures!

  3. HA! Love your little ditty! I am a morning coffee girl too and take it in a honkin' mug! Some people think I'm drinking from a soup cup. :/ My husband makes it on the weekends. During the week, I have one at home and one for the road. Perfect! Have a terrific Thursday! :) Tammy

  4. Love you little rhyme! Sorry, my friend - this is one thing we can't share. Coffee and I are not friends. Strange things it does! I get my caffeine cold(diet cola).

  5. Oh I am the same way I have to have my first cup in bed and yes my hubby brings it to me with lots of love each morning for me to lay back and enjoy ....sweet man of mine...somedays I fell to tell him this !!!

  6. Hi Elizabeth! It's my first time here and I truly enjoyed your poem!

    Good to know you love coffee as I want to invite you for some Coffee with Jesus

    Please stop by

    ~ NRIGirl

  7. Fantastic poem! Coffee is such a good gift from God!
    Dee Dee

  8. Oh how creative was this? LOVED it...I use to be able to soo relate too, but now I can't drink caffine anymore. I miss it so...Have a good day. Blessings, Debbie

  9. AAAHHH!!! I love this! Can I print a copy to have here? It describes me so perfectly, even down to the hubby bringing the cup when he's home. You are so creative!! This is a favorite simple pleasure by far.

    I was tired by the time I got home tonight, but I KNEW the simple pleasures party was a good way to end the day.

  10. Oh Elizabeth I too have a awsome loving husband that brings my first cup of coffee to me each morning your simple pleasure and I to am trying to follow JESUS also blessed we are to be his children !!!

  11. my motto ::

    **life is too short to drink from an ugly cup**

    quite honestly, i could easily add ::

    **life is too short to drink bad coffee
    from an ugly cup**

    there. that's better.



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